7 Sept 2010

Exhibition + Weezer + Breakfast

So, this is my Weezer for Amelia's Magazine! I never listened to them properly before but River Cuomo is such a photogenic and great fun guy to draw. Apparently, he didn't like Japan for a little bit for some reason (he never said why) and is now married to a Japanese lady... ok, I'm being a detective here :)

I'm now having an exhibition at the T lounge gallery in Norwich as well, this place is so lovely and I blame myself for not coming here when I used to live in Norwich! We will have a reverse private view in October though the date is yet to be confirmed.

Here is my bestest breakfast, I just wanted to show it off because it just looks so tasty. (and it was!)


  1. I would appreciate an invitation please, Will bring my own beer,
    X David, NYC

  2. lols, it'll be a long trip, don't spilt your beer on your plane!:)
